Année académique : 2018-2019
Catégorie : Catégorie Économique
Domaine d'étude : Sciences économiques et de gestion
Section : Assistant de direction / AD Langues et gestion
Volume horaire : 60 périodes
Nombre de crédits : 4
Implantation(s) : Hazinelle
Quadrimestre(s) : Q1
Niveau du cadre francophone de certification : 6

Intitulé U.E. : Data treatment & software skills Code U.E. : L202A
Pondération : 80 pts Cycle : 1 Obligatoire : oui Bloc : Bloc 2 Langue d'enseignement : English

Activités d'apprentissage composant l'UE :

Titre : Titulaire(s) de l'AA : Nombre d'heures :
Data treatmentPirard Julie, 30
Software skillsPirard Julie, 30

Coordonnées du responsable de l'UE :

Pirard Julie ( 

Coordonnées des intervenants de l'UE :

Pirard Julie (,

Prérequis :

Corequis :

Compétences visées
Description du contenu des activités d'apprentissage (AA) :

1 : Data treatment

It is a fact: nowadays management assistants are increasingly using computing, it is because most of the tasks assigned to them (reception, phone calls organization, filing, archiving, reporting, mail processing, organization of meetings, organization of travel, etc.) can be done by computer. The benefits are many (speed, savings, less pollution, etc.), but if you want to benefit, it is necessary to be able to use a computer and Internet properly and intelligently. This learning activity will therefore be an opportunity for management assistants to learn how to carry out, by computer and with Internet, the different tasks that are usually assigned to them, but also many other actions that were not always possible before.

IT offers many possibilities in terms of information processing:Diversity of treatments: obtaining information (text recognition, voice recognition, accounting and statistics, etc.), transforming information (classification, spelling, image processing, etc.) and store information (including the possibility of using it in the near future).

Diversity of information: textual data (names, first names, addresses, letters, publications, etc.), digital (price, weight, volumes, temperatures, speeds, pressures, dates, booleans, etc.), images (plans, drawings , graphics, diagrams, maps, photos, 3D images, etc.), sounds (words, songs, music, etc.) or videos (shots, clips or films, etc.).

At the end of this learning activity, the student will be able to

  • master the computer in order to take full advantage of existing tools (to use a computer and internet correctly and intelligently)
  • master the processing of computer information
  • master the processing of information on Internet

2 : Software skills

At the end of the learning sessions, the student will be able on Excel®:

  • to optimize data encoding;
  • to produce advanced spreadsheets and graphics (Management Dashboard), and pivot tables.
  • to process large amounts of data;
  • to create and manage hyperlinks;
  • to import and export data;
  • to customize the program interface;
  • to import and export data to and from other Office® softwares;
  • to set up the printing of a complex document (several sheets and graphics);
  • to use advanced formulas;
  • to use the acquired skills in a real world situation.

Description des méthodes d'enseignement :

1 : Data treatment

The computer can only be learned by trial and error, the course will be given on computer. Computer tools will be explained orally and some more difficult subjects will be the subject of class notes. Exercises will be offered to train if necessary (home-made).

Numerous tools, advice and details will be offered in class, so participation in the course is strongly encouraged.

Theory and exercises. Three-dimensional approach (knowledge, understanding, reflection) + Critical thinking.

2 : Software skills

At each lesson, application exercises of increasing difficulty are proposed and then corrected. The inductive method is preferred: the student takes note of each new acquired know-how. These exercises are completed by theoretical syntheses incorporating learning outcomes.

The exercises can be considered as formative evaluations and are representative of real-world situations.

A remediation is ensured continuously by the teacher at the request of the student.

Modalités et critères d'évaluation :

1 : Data treatment

40 points àcomputer-based practical exam where the student will have to carry out quickly and efficiently a certain number of unreleased exercises. Students will need to know and be able to redo everything they have been taught during the year. The teacher will evaluate the efficiency and speed with which the student master the computer, Internet and tools offered.

Possibility of open questions, orally or in writing, during the practical exam.

In the event of failure, a similar examination is organized in September.

2 : Software skills

The exercises proposed in class are dropped by each student in a personal OneDrive® folder shared with the teacher on the HEL’s platform. They represent formative evaluations. 

An exam is organized outside the session, during the penultimate course of the quadrimester. This evaluation aims to place students in a real-world situation, for this reason students may dispose of their notes. It consists in a single great summation of the matter. If the student justifies his/her absence to this mandatory session, a new date is discussed with the teacher.

In the event of failure, a similar examination is organized in September.

Pondération A.A. :

1 : Data treatment

Examination: 40 points

2 : Software skills

Examination Excel®: 40 points

Sources, références et supports éventuels :

1 : Data treatment

Office 2016, Eni edition, France, 2016

Windows 10, Eni edition, France, 2018

2 : Software skills

Access 2016, Eni édition, France, 2016

Excel 2016, Eni édition, France, 2015

Pondération U.E. :

Data treatment
Examination: 40 points

Software skills
Examination Excel®: 40 points

Total de l’UE: 80 points

Pour les unités optionnelles de langues de la catégorie économique, veuillez vous référer à la fiche de langue correspondante (en cours obligatoire).

Toute modification éventuelle de cette fiche en cours d’année ne peut se faire qu’exceptionnellement et avec l’accord de la direction de catégorie conformément à l’article 77 du décret du 7/11/2013 (force majeure touchant les enseignants responsables).